Project: One widow at a time — 101

The Christy Schippers Foundation has some 300+ widows under it’s care. These widows have diverse and pressing needs that must be met urgently to restore peace and dignity for their lives. The needs range from basic needs such as food and shelter to providing for their wards in school and securing a decent employment.

The Christy Schippers Foundation is always moved by compassion towards these widows. Though limited in resources, the Foundation has been supporting some of these widows as much as possible, these offers need to be maximised with the help of all well-meaning persons or group of persons whose desire is to help wipe the tears of others and to put joy and peace in the hearts of the troubled. Among other things, the Christy Schippers Foundation appeals to all to help build a manageable 2- bedroom shelter for one Widow Florence Droefenu in the Eastern Region of Ghana.

State of Widow Florence Droefenu’s residence

All this while she lived in mud house leased to her by a friend. What broke the camel’s back was the breaking down of a part of the building. We urgently want to intervene for the fear that the remaining part of the mud structures could also break down due to the poor materials which were used in moulding it.

The Foundation invites all to support in the acquiring of a parcel of land and the building of a 2- bedroom shelter for Widow Florence Droefenu. The support could be in cash or in kind by donating building materials.

Contact us right away and let’s get started.

Through project “One widow at a time” we seek to attend to the diverse and most pressing needs of the many widows we have identified in Ghana one at a time. God being our helper with you in partnership.


Team members of Christy Schippers Foundation visit to
Widow Florence Droefenu at her residence