About Us

The Christy Schippers Foundation (CSF) is a registered charitable organisation founded by Christy Schippers. The vision for the CSF was pitched in 2007 while the founder was in the Netherlands. The CSF began her charitable mandates in Ghana since 2007. However, the CSF was certified by the Government of Ghana in 2022.

Since 2007, the founder has been working tirelessly to responding to the divine mandate on all practicing pure and genuine religion which is to care for orphans and widows in distress.

Among the numerous interventions the CSF has employed in carrying out her divine mandate were: Village Visits; Hospital Visits; Prison Ministry; Girls Empowerment; Schools Outreaches; Free Medical Screening; Community Engagements, Entrepreneurial Skill Training & Workshops etc.

The key groups of people the CSF helps are widows, orphans, people with health issues, the aged, and basically people in economic distress.

The CSF is opened to foundations, organisations and philanthropists with similar passion and interest to come in for partnership. So that in the very near future, we all could affirm this word of knowledge – and though your beginning was small, your latter days will be very great.

Core Values are

To be an international charity foundation leading the troubled, depressed and marginalised to the state of absolute peace.

- Our Vision -

Our Mission

To attain the vision of the Christy Schippers Foundation, the Foundation administers her mandate with focus on four (4) interconnected areas that together can help restore peace and dignity to satisfy the desire of the afflicted:

  1. Human Welfare
  2. Health
  3. Education
  4. Community Development